
DEXA scan body composition results sheet with someone giving analysis

Recent studies have shown that the risks of all-cause mortality are significantly tied to body composition. Knowing our biometrics is extremely valuable information that can help us to monitor our health, prevent disease, and maintain vitality throughout our lifetime. The DEXA scan, widely considered the gold standard for body composition testing, encompasses all of these capabilities in one system. It’s accurate to +/-1.5% error, and in one 6-minute scan, collects all of the necessary data to provide a detailed body map with a numerical readout of lean muscle mass, body fat percentage (including fat types), and bone density levels, both overall and segmentally, within each body part. The DEXA is able to recognize the detailed anatomy of the body, including subcutaneous fat as well as the visceral cavity of the body.


DEXA scan report with results being explained

Your DEXA scan results will inform and define a targeted health treatment plan and fitness training program. Along with a tailored nutrition protocol that can be developed to prescribe nutrient-specific foods and/or supplements to help clients meet their body composition goal and support skeletal health. The baseline scan is tracked against additional scans over the duration of the nutrition program.

DEXA data is also used to make adjustments to your personal training plan to allow symmetrical muscle development to ultimately prevent injury.


clean, personal training gym with workout equipment and plants

Strength training is one of the best ways to change your body composition and increase your bone density. With a DEXA scan you can create, monitor or adjust your training plan as necessary. As you progress towards your goals, you can easily remeasure to make sure you’re on track. Working with a personal trainer or nutritionist can help accelerate these plans in the safest, most effective manner. DEXA is also more accurate, precise and repeatable compared to BIA (bioelectric impedenece analyzer) like the InBody or bathroom scale.


DEXA scan X-ray machine being used to measure someone's fat percentage, bone density and muscle mass

Track your gains, losses, and everything in-between. Our comprehensive retesting schedule provides real time data, ensuring up-to-date metrics are always in your hands. This means you can calibrate your training plan to make sure what you’re doing is as effective as possible.